Adirondack Nature Trails:
Easy Street Trail

The Easy Street Trail is a pleasant one-mile trail which can be accessed from the southern side of the Logger’s Loop Trail, the eastern side of the Woods and Waters Trail, or the eastern end of the Skidder Trail. Interpretive signage has not yet been installed on this trail. The walking is easy, with a few small hills. It passes through mixed wood forest, northern hardwood forest, and successional forest.
To walk the Easy Street Trail in a clockwise direction, take the Logger’s Loop Trail to the trail sign at the intersection just past Shingle Mill Falls. At this point, the Easy Street Trail occupies the same corridor as the Logger’s Loop Trail, running roughly parallel to the Heron Marsh outlet. The trail is a grassy woods road through mixed forest, with a wetland to your left. Wild Sarsaparilla and Bunchberry thrive here. You will pass a tiny brook, then make a sharp right onto the western side of the Easy Street loop.
Here, the trail winds through mainly deciduous forest and is flanked by Goldthread, Dewdrop, Starflower, and Hobblebush. The trail passes several areas that have been logged in the last decade. The trail leads off to the left, up a hill, through a deciduous forest before intersecting with the Woods and Waters Trail. You will walk past the Paul Smiths VIC Sugar Bush on your left (look for tubing on Sugar Maples), as you reach another intersection, this time with the Skidder Trail. Bear to your right through a clearing.
The trail then passes through mainly deciduous forest before intersecting again with the Woods and Waters Trail (clearly marked). You will pass a series of old signs marking silviculture plots created by Paul Smith’s College forestry students several decades ago. The trail leads through a small clearing which hosts a profusion of meadow flowers, including St. John’s Wort. The trail then passes through mixed forest, before rejoining the Logger’s Loop Trail again near Shingle Mill Falls.