Adirondack Hiking Trails:
Skidder Trail

The Skidder Trail is a one-mile back country hiking trail connecting the northwest portion of the Easy Street Trail with the western side of the Logger’s Loop Trail. There is no interpretive signage. Hiking boots are recommended, due to the rough portions of the trail.
From the eastern (Easy Street) end, the Skidder Trial begins at a well-marked intersection by the Paul Smiths VIC Sugar Bush. The trail starts out as a shady woods road, passing through a northern hardwood forest. You will note the tubing connecting the Sugar Maples on your left.
The Skidder Trial then opens up into a recently-logged corridor through a mixed forest. This part of the trail provides an opportunity to view areas that are in the early stages of forest succession. The edges of the trail are dotted with sun-loving wildflowers, such as St John’s Wort, Flat-topped White Aster, and Fringed Bindweed. The trail intersects with the Logger’s Loop Trail (at that point, a wide gravel logging road) in a clearing.